Sunday, September 23, 2012

Melikalu Promo Song - Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu (2012) Telugu movie

Melikalu Promo Song - Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu (2012) Telugu movie

Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu Theme Promo Song

Extrordinary Song Promo - Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu

Extrordinary Song Promo - Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Top rumours about Apple's iPhone 5

Apple Inc distributed invitations to an event in San Francisco on September 12, setting the stage for what is widely expected to be the release of the iPhone 5.

Apple Inc distributed invitations to an event in San Francisco on September 12, setting the stage for what is widely expected to be the release of the iPhone 5. The typically cryptic invitation said 'It's almost here', sported a number 12 - corresponding to the date of the event - and cast a large shadow of the number 5, a clue that the fifth version of the popular smartphone could be in the pipeline. The event will take place at San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the preferred venue for the unveiling of past products such as the iPad.
Here's a look a the top rumours about the most-anticipated Apple device till date:

#1 The new screen could measure 4 inches from corner to corner, one source has said, an increase from the 3.5-inch display that has been held constant since the smartphone began selling in 2007 and revolutionized the mobile industry.

#2 A technology blog, 9to5Mac, that got hold of a purported photo of the next iPhone, say that the new phone would be taller than the previous iPhones, but not wider like many of the Andriod phones available today.

#3 The leaked images also show that the back panel appears to be covered in metal and the headphone jack is on the botton of the phone now.

#4 Apple Inc's new iPhone will drop the wide dock connector used in the company's gadgets for the best part of a decade in favour of a smaller one, a change likely to annoy the Apple faithful but which could be a boon for accessory makers. The iPhone 5, Apple's next generation iPhone expected to go on sale around October, will come with a 19-pin connector port at the bottom instead of the proprietary 30-pin port "to make room for the earphone moving to the bottom", two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. It would mean the new phone would not connect with the myriad of accessories such as speakers and power chargers that form part of the ecosystem around iPods, iPads and iPhones, without an adaptor.

#5 The phone will have an advanced technical capability of LTE (Long Term Evolution) wireless network that would give all phone carriers a chance to sell their fastest data services to Apple's base of iPhone customers. LTE technology is much more fragmented than the previous third-generation wireless technology, making it more difficult to make LTE phones that work seamlessly around the world.

#6 The next iPhone, is expected to come with a built-in chip which can serve as your credit or debit card for small payments. Tech savvies looking at leaked images of the internals of the device have spotted what they believe is an NFC chip within the phone. NFC is seen as the successor to the chip-and-pin, serving as a small contactless card that can be waved against scanners at tills to automate a payment, the Daily Mail reported.

#7 Audience Inc , which makes chips used in Apple Inc's iPhones, said its top customer is unlikely to use its technology for the latest iPhone. Audience's chips improve the voice quality in mobile devices by filtering out background noise, and the company supplies these to Apple's contract manufacturers like Foxconn International Holdings Ltd and Protek Ltd.

#8 Vietnamese tech news site, has speculative images of the newly designed earphones that could accompany the new iPhone. 

#9 Photos that are believed to be that of the next generation iPhone's motherboard that have surfaced on the WeiPhone user forum, show that a SIM card slot that seem to be smaller than the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

40 Strange Facts About Health

Here I am revealing some interesting but realistic facts about your overall health and well-being. From eating, to exercising, to sex, to tanning, to myths about health, we’ve got all the eye-opening facts!
40 facts about health

Here are the 40 facts about health

  1. Getting in your fruits and veggies can help the body produce its own form of Aspirin. After a study done by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, participants who ate fruit and  vegetables containing benzoic acid, could produce their own salicylic acid. This is the main ingredient in aspirin that makes aspirin an anti-inflammatory pain reliever.fact-about-cold
  2. Colds are not caused by being wet or cold. They are caused by viruses, that have nothing to  do with cold temperatures. However, in cold temperatures, people are more inclined to spend time together indoors, thereby more easily transmitting the virus from one person to another.
  3. Watching yourself in a mirror while running on a treadmill, will make your workout go faster.
  4. The myth that spinach is extremely rich in iron, is the result of a printing error. ManySpinach-myth decades ago, a table indicating nutritional values of certain food types, put the decimal point, indicating the iron content of spinach, one position too far to the right, thereby increasing its supposed iron content tenfold. Despite the mistake being rectified 70 years ago, public perception still has not followed suit.
  5. Three quarters of all the food we eat on this planet come from eight types of grains : maize, rice, wheat, oats, barley, sorghum, millet and rye.dirty-kitchen-sink-fact
  6. Your kitchen sink is dirtier than your bathroom sink. There are approximately 500,000 bacteria lurking around your drain alone. Over 50 million bacteria in a single colony can live on one sponge.
  7. The rat and the mouse are far more dangerous to humans than any other animals. They carry at least 20 pathogens that cause different diseases. It is estimated that they have caused the deaths of more people in the last thousand years than all wars in the world put together.
  8. Using a diary for weight-loss purposes can double a person’s weight loss efforts.
  9. Sexologists can determine a woman’s orgasm history, solely by the way she walks.
  10. It is estimated that approximately 120 million acts of heterosexual sex takes place on earth every day. Of these, about 910 000 end in pregnancy.
  11. Oatmeal, citrus fruits, and honey can improve your sex drive, and boost fertility. Oats produce a chemical that sends testosterone into the blood stream, which then increases orgasm and sex drive as a result. Vitamin C in citrus fruits ups a males’ sperm count, and Vitamin B found in honey helps the body produce estrogen which is key for arousal and blood flow.
  12. Walking either in water, against the wind, or wearing a backpack burns approximately 50 more calories an hour.
  13. Regular exercise can lower a women’s cancer risk, but only if she is getting an efficient amount of sleep.
  14. Fingernails grow faster than toenails. It is thought that the reason for this might be that sunlight stimulates nail growth, and feet are often covered.
  15. Rinsing your nose with salt water can help fight allergies. Dr. Melissa Pynnonen from the Michigan sinus center says that nasal irrigation is an inexpensive way to find relief from allergies, stuffy nose, and nasal congestions.
  16. After a study done at Cornell University, researchers found that people who enter their homes through an entry way that is close to the kitchen tend to eat 15% more than those who enter farther away from the kitchen.quit-smoking
  17. Smokers are four times more likely to experience feelings of restlessness after a night’s sleep than non-smokers.
  18. It is impossible to get a tan from your computer screen. The Computer Tan Website was created to raise awareness against skin cancer.
  19. It takes 3 hours for food to breakdown in the stomach.
  20. People who don’t have close relationships have weaker immune system.
  21. Inhaling the scent of roses at night improves memory.
  22. A yawn lasts approximately 6 seconds.
  23. Each blink lasts 0.3 seconds
  24. In an average lifetime, a normal human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva.
  25. There is no proven cure for hiccups. In one of the worst cases, Charles Osborne hiccupped for 69 years.
  26. Before hearing aids were invented, people used “ear trumpets”.
  27. A study showed people eat considerably more popcorn while watching a sad movie as compared to a happy one.
  28. Over the past 30 years, the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight teenagers has tripled.
  29. Over the past 30 years, the number of overweight children has doubled and the number ofoverweight childrenoverweight teenagers has tripled.
  30. Studies show that individuals who are 20% or more overweight run a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some forms of cancer.
  31. Honey can soothe a hangover.
  32. Garlic can help cure athlete’s foot.
  33. Baking soda helps whiten teeth.
  34. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full.
  35. The majority of items in existing vending machines contribute to a variety of health issues including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, fatigue and aggression.
  36. Over 300,000 deaths per year are caused by poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity.
  37. One out of every three children born today will develop diabetes at some point in their lifetime if dietary trends continue as they are today.
  38. A can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.
  39. In the United States, obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of death.
  40. Health experts now have proof that laughter is good medicine.laughA good belly laugh can send 20% more blood flowing through your entire body. One study found that when people watched a funny movie, their blood flow increased. That’s why laughter might just be the perfect antidote to stress.
    When you laugh, the lining of your blood vessel walls relaxes and expands, Krasuski says. So have a good giggle. Your heart will thank you.

Friday, July 27, 2012

10 businesses you can start at home

Are you fed up of working for an employer, and for a salary? Have you been toying with the idea of starting your own business? Read on to know what your options are.

1. Marketing Consultancy

2. Web-Based Business

3. Photography


4. Online Trading

5. Real Estate


6. Automotive Parts

So, are you a car enthusiast and never imagined that you could turn your passion into a business idea? Well, here it is. You can tie up with manufacturers of parts and build a client base that requires them, but does not know how to contact the makers directly.

7. Pet Care

Animal lovers need not fret, for there are various options for them to start a business from home too. You could associate with a veterinarian hospital to know what products to purchase and hire one or two young helpers who love animals too.

8. Wedding Planning

While considered a female domain, scope for men to enter the industry is enormous too. However, you need to have the knack and organisational skills required for this job. You also need to have a good relationship with caterers, interior decorators, florists, hotels and various other service providers.

9. Food Catering

Did you think that cooking was just something that a homemaker had to do? Wrong! You can make a profession out of it, too! And that too right from your own home! All it requires is acquiring the right resources, gauging the tastes of your potential clientele, and of course, being a food-lover!


Now this does not mean you mow the lawns and water the plants in the houses of other people. This implies establishing your own set-up or nursery, wherein you can not only house plants and flowers of all kinds, but also provide equipment, training and consultancy to avid garden-growers.
Starting your own business, that too from home, may not be everyone’s cup of tea. However, cautious planning can help you turn a venture into a huge success. Make sure you know what your area of interest is!

Get an accredited degree in just 2 weeks. No books or tests. BA/BSc/MA/MSc/MBA/PhD. Instant approval application.

Get an accredited degree in just 2 weeks. No books or tests. BA/BSc/MA/MSc/MBA/PhD. Instant approval application.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pria terluka di Yard

Seorang pria terluka di Yard Dewan Standish, 1697 Main Road, pada pukul 4:30 sore, Senin, ketika sebuah perahu jatuh di dadanya masih dalam kondisi kritis tetapi sedang dikembangkan, menurut Tiverton Polisi Letnan Patrick Jones. Korban, Kyle St Pierre, 25, dari Fall River, mantan Tiverton, bekerja di pekarangan perahu. Jones mengatakan ia melukis bagian bawah kapal pesiar 35-kaki yang beratnya £ 6.000 ketika dukungan yang memberi jalan dan perahu turun, menghancurkan bawah korban. Sesama pekerja datang untuk menyelamatkan korban. Seorang pria melompat ke forklift dan mengangkat perahu, sementara pria lain menarik korban gratis. Jones mengatakan St Pierre menderita patah tulang yang parah dan patah tulang dari tulang rusuk, dada dan panggul. Petugas penyelamat pindah korban ke Fort Barton Sekolah mana Penerbangan Med mendarat dan diangkut dengan kapal tongkang ke Rhode Island Hospital.

related news:

Seorang Gadis Jatuh ke Danau

Monday, July 16, 2012

Most Amazing People With Extra Ordinary Quality

Superheroes were originally created out of thin air to inspire mankind. Thus, arrived Batman and Spiderman ! But , these are real super – heroes with real powers ! Freaky and unbelievable – Most Amazing People & also most inspirational.

Nick Vujicic

Imagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around someone, no hands to experience touch, or to hold another hand with. Or what about being born without legs? Having no ability tonick-vujicicdance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now put both of those scenarios together: no arms and no legs. What would you do? How would that effect your everyday life?
Meet Nick Vujicic… Born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic (pronounced Voy-a-chich) came into the world with neither arms nor legs.
Despite the absence of limbs, he is doing surf and swimming, and playing golf and soccer. Nick graduated from college at the age of 21 with a double major in Accounting and Financial Planning. He began his travels as a motivational speaker, focusing on the topics that today’s teenagers face.
Read more about him here

Rathakrishnan Velu – Indian King Tooth

Rathakrishnan Velu is considered to have “Golden mouth” as he is able to pull a train with his teeth. It is reported that Rathakrishnan Velu can haul a 297.1-metric-ton (327.50 U.S. tons) train over 2.8 meters (9 feet, 2.2 inches) along tracks.
Rathakrishnan Velu
On August 30, 2007, the eve of Malaysia’s 50th Independence Day, Rathakrishnan Velu (or Raja Gigi, as he is known locally) broke his own world record for pulling train with his teeth, this time with 6 coaches attached weighing 297.1 tons over a distance of 2.8 metres at the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station.

Jessica Cox

Jessica Cox became the first pilot with no arms, proving you don’t need ‘wings’ to fly.

Jessica believes that by combining creativity,persistence, and fearlessness, nothing is impossible..She is a psychology graduate can write ,use computers,brush her hair and talk on to her phone simply using her feet.She is from USA is also a former dancer and double black belt in Tai Kown-Do. Cox prove it Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Ben Underwood – The boy who could “see” with his ears

Ben Underwood was a remarkable teenager, who loved to skateboard, ride his bicycle and play football and basketball. For the most part, the Californian 14-year-old was just like other kids his age. What made Underwood remarkable was his ability to master these activities despite the fact that he was blind.
Underwood had both eyes removed after being diagnosed with retinal cancer at age two. To most people’s amazement upon meeting him, he seemed completely unfazed by his lack of sight, defying common stereotypes about blindness as a disability.
An unflinching faith in God guided Ben and his mother during his last few months as cancer spread to Ben’s brain and spine. He eventually died on January 2009 at the age of 16.

The Magnetic Man (Liew Thow Lin)

Liew Thow Lin, a 70-year-old retired contractor in Malaysia, recently made news for pulling a car twenty meters along a level surface by means of an iron chain hooked to an iron plate on his midriff. He says that he discovered he had the amazing ability to make objects stick “magnetically” to his skin, and now he’s added car-pulling to his repertoire.
In Kuala Lumpur lebt Liew Thow Lin, der Magnet-Mann. Der als "Mr. Magnet" bekannte 77-Jährige tritt regelmäßig mit seinen ungewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten auf.
After reading an article about a family in Taiwan who possessed such power, he says he took several iron objects and put them on his abdomen, and to his surprise, all the objects including an iron, stuck on his skin and didn’t fall down.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Facebook Wants To Hire This 17-Year-Old But She Hasn't Decided If She Wants The Job

Nive Jayasekar created a mobile app for Home Depot over a weekend and won $10,500—and got an offer to work at Facebook.
She's only 17.
The Social-Loco conference organized a hackathon event held June 16-17, sponsored by big brands like Home Depot.
Jayasekar entered, drawn by the prizes. She decided to develop a project organizer for the home-improvement chain as a Windows Phone app, because that was a special prize category.
She swept the event with her app, which made it easy for both novices and experienced gardeners to find materials for landscaping projects. (Those were originally separate prize categories; she developed a single app that addressed both audiences.)
But she barely made it to the conference to accept her prizes. After she found out she won, her mom had to drive her to San Francisco.
It was good timing: Because she was late, she got to present her winning app right before Emily White, Facebook's director of mobile partnerships, was due to speak. They met backstage and White offered her a summer internship.
"Nive is amazing and I'm going to be working for her someday," White said at the conference.
But here's the thing, and it tells you everything you need to know about the war for talent in Silicon Valley right now: The recent graduate of Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, Calif., who's headed to Carnegie Mellon University in the fall, wouldn't say whether she'd taken Facebook up on the offer.
"The recruiting process is still going on," she said.
Facebook couldn't comment on where things stood.
Let's review: A 17-year-old just got an internship offer from Facebook, on the spot after winning a programming contest. And she hasn't decided whether she's taking the job yet.
Meanwhile, she's porting the app to Apple's iOS devices and Android smartphones.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

AP SSC 2012 Results-Only Grades in SSC 2012 Results

AP SSC 2012 Results on 24 May at 11.00 AM…
AP Secondary School Certificate exam results known as AP SSC 2012 results will release on 24th of this month. This year government took a key decision on marks, Only Grades instead of marks in memo AP SSC 2012 in results announcement. As per High Court orders the 'full Grading Type' is implemented from this year. Government take all precautions should be taken to erase the possibilities of the students' marks anywhere. To control of the unhealthy competition between institutions and students, as well as to reduce mental stress of students, the results of Tenth in 'Nine-point scale’ Grading is implemented. According to G.O R.T No. 592, by Secondary education, the Grading System which came into force from 2010 year. Grading method is implemented in the past two years. But it also marks the released.
SSC results this month, on 24th, we will update you to provide information on AP SSC 2012 results. Range of marks for each grade for year March 2011 for overall performance for SSC & OSSC as follows:
SSC 2012 Marks Memos will be issued to all the candidates both failed and passed within 10 days to make available for admission into 1st Year Intermediate course.
The Students who desire to get their SSC marks recounted should remit Rs.500 per Subject within in 15 days from the date of publication of AP SSC 2012 results. The Students can apply for recounting of marks directly to Office of the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad through Government Treasury Challan remit into SBI, SBH only or through DD obtained from SBH, SBI in favor of Secretary, to The Commissioner for government examinations, A.P., Hyderabad.
For SSC question papers Re-verification cum supply of Photo copy of valued Answer Books (English, Mathematics, 1st Language and 2nd Language only in 2011) filled in applications shall be received through Headmaster concerned within 15 days from the date of publication of AP SSC results. The fee for issue Xerox copy per subject is Rs.1000/-. The application forms will be available at Office of the Director of Government Examinations, all Office of the District Educational Offices and Offices of the RJDSEs.
SSC Results 2012 announcement postponed from 23 May to 24 May due to the non availability of Education Minister.
SSC 2012 Results in- AP 10th class results 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

IPL 2012 Schedule

The Indian Premier League’s return to the subcontinent with its fifth edition has started building up a lot of anticipations and expectations all around. It is only fair to say that the IPL has lived up to everyone’s expectations and every year something new adds to the color and glamour of the event. It is supposed to be the biggest domestic event that any sport has ever witnessed which is not recognized by an international body. Though there have been news about placing the IPL under the ICC Calendar but none of that seems to be happening in the near future. What excites the common cricket frenzy citizens of the country about IPL is the fact that a lot of international cricket stars team up with their rivals thereby delivering an exciting contest altogether. Also, the introduction of Bollywood superstars with the event has made it what it is today.
There have been a lot of controversies regarding the Indian Premier League and its significant consequences on the quality of cricket. According to senior and retired legends of cricket, IPL and T20 Cricket is the main reason for the decline of quality cricketers in and around the world especially India. Also the fact that IPL is such a cash rich tournament players with minimum skills and hard work end up earning a hefty bank balance by the end of the season. This in turn has degraded the quality of uprising young cricketers in the country who initially used to focus on Test Cricket and now can do away with a place in the T20 side only. This remains as a topic of controversy though; with India winning the ICC Cricket World Cup in 2011 just prior to IPL IV has sealed out a lot of critics.

Although former veteran cricketers are of the opinion that T20 cricket can be a cause of the Test cricket dying out, it can be a debatable issue as well. It is indeed important to promote test cricket all over again which happens to be the main form of cricket. The shorter version of the game is only an entertainment package for the audience and calls for massive attack with the bat and ball. Skills of a cricketer haven’t yet been under the radar in this form of the game.
Amidst all these one truth remains; IPL and T20 has added to too much of cricket for the cricketers thereby leading to a fatigued squad which hampers performance altogether. It was astonishing to see a break of only 4 days before the fourth edition of IPL after the World Cup in 2011. The busy IPL 2012 Schedule of more than a month long tournament like IPL has made life pretty hectic for the performers. Although some think players perform well at this cash rich tournament whereas compromise with the quality of performance when it comes to defending the nation against the odds.
The BCCI along with the Governing Council of the IPL has released the IPL 2012 Schedule earlier this year. The event is going to last for a period of 54 days with 76 matches being played including the Qualifiers, Eliminator match and Final. So, don’t forget to book your IPL Tickets as soon as possible.  The tournament is going to kick off on the 4th of April at the MA Chidambaram Stadium; Chennai with Defending champions Chennai Super Kings facing the Champions League T20 champions of last season Mumbai Indians. The finals will also be staged at the same venue on 27th of May 2012. 9 teams will be a part of the event which initially was 8 till the third edition until new entries Kochi Tuskers Kerala and Pune Warriors joined the league last season. However Kochi Tuskers has been disqualified by the BCCI for the breach of agreement this year. The intensity of the tournament has always been higher with stadiums remaining a house full even on working days.
With Bollywood celebrities like Shahrukh Khan, Juhi Chawla, Preity Zinta, Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif etc. cheering their franchises with the crowd, the IPL has managed to deliver a perfect package of entertainment. Every year they’ve managed to incorporate something innovative that has been received with huge appreciation from the common cricket lovers. The 55 days cricket carnival is what the cricket lovers of not only India but also the world look forward to every year. The controversies are there to remain but that hasn’t affected the course of the tournament till date. It is also the only domestic tournament that international players from all across the world look forward to with a lot of seriousness and new comers accept it as a platform to prove their mettle.

This is the complete IPL 2012 Schedule

April 4: CSK vs Mumbai Indians
April 5: KKR vs Delhi Daredevils
April 6: Mumbai Indians vs Pune Warriors
April 6: Rajasthan Royals vs Kings XI Punjab
April 7: RCB vs Delhi Daredevils
April 7: Deccan Chargers vs CSK
April 8: Rajasthan Royals vs KKR
April 8: Pune Warriors vs Kings XI Punjab
April 9: Deccan Chargers vs Mumbai Indians
April 10: RCB vs KKR
April 10: Delhi Daredevils CSK
April 11: Mumbai Indians vs Rajasthan Royals
April 12: CSK vs RCB
April 12: Kings XI Punjab vs Pune Warriors
April 13: KKR vs Rajasthan Royals
April 14: Delhi Daredevils vs Deccan Chargers
April 14: Pune Warriors vs CSK
April 15: KKR vs Kings XI Punjab
April 15: RCB vs Rajasthan Royals
April 16: Mumbai Indians vs Delhi Daredevils
April 17: Rajasthan Royals vs Deccan Chargers
April 17: RCB vs Pune Warriors
April 18: Kings XI Punjab vs KKR
April 19: Deccan Chargers vs Delhi Daredevils
April 19: CSK vs Pune Warriors
April 20: Kings XI Punjab vs RCB
April 21: CSK vs Rajasthan Royals
April 21: Delhi Daredevils vs Pune Warriors
April 22: Mumbai Indians vs Kings XI Punjab
April 22: Deccan Chargers vs KKR
April 23: Rajasthan Royals vs RCB
April 24: Pune Warriors vs Delhi Daredevils
April 24: KKR vs Deccan Chargers
April 25: Kings XI Punjab vs Mumbai Indians
April 25::RCB vs CSK
April 26: Pune Warriors vs India Deccan Chargers
April 27: Delhi Daredevils vs Mumbai Indians
April 28: CSK vs Kings XI Punjab
April 28: KKR vs RCB
April 29: Delhi Daredevils vs Rajasthan Royals
April 29: Mumbai Indians vs Deccan Chargers
April 30: CSK vs KKR
May 1: Deccan Chargers vs Pune Warriors
May 1: Rajasthan Royals vs Delhi Daredevils
May 2: Challengers Bangalore vs Kings XI Punjab
May 3: Pune Warriors vs India Mumbai Indians
May 4: CSK vs Deccan Chargers
May 5: KKR vs Pune Warriors
May 5: Kings XI Punjab vs Rajasthan Royals
May 6: Mumbai Indians vs CSK
May 6: RCB vs Deccan Chargers
May 7: Delhi Daredevils vs KKR
May 8: Pune Warriors vs Rajasthan Royals
May 8: Deccan Chargers vs Kings XI Punjab
May 9: Mumbai Indians vs RCB
May 10: Rajasthan Royals vs CSK
May 11: Pune Warriors vs RCB
May 12: KKR vs Mumbai Indians
May 12: CSK vs Delhi Daredevils
May 13: Rajasthan Royals vs Pune Warriors
May 13: Kings XI Punjab vs Deccan Chargers
May 14: RCB vs Mumbai Indians
May 14: KKR vs CSK
May 15: Delhi Daredevils vs Kings XI Punjab
May 16: Mumbai Indians vs KKR
May 17: Kings XI Punjab vs CSK
May 17: Delhi Daredevils vs RCB
May 18: Deccan Chargers vs Rajasthan Royals
May 19: Kings XI Punjab vs Delhi Daredevils
May 19: Pune Warriors vs KKR
May 20: Deccan Chargers vs RCB
May 20: Rajasthan Royals vs Mumbai Indians
May 22: Qualifier 1 First Placed Team vs Second Placed Team
May 23: Elminator Third Placed Team vs Fourth Placed Team
May 25: Qualifier 2 Winner of Eliminator vs Loser of Qualifier1
May 27: Final Winner of Qualifier 1 vs Winner of Qualifier 2

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What good Web Developers should know about sending E-mail

Nearly all websites these days send email and because of this the majority of developers assume that they “know how to send email from a website”. They continue under this assumption until they have a site or server of their get black listed by a Spam blacklist. Then they are forced to scratch their heads to try and figure out why this happened. Before you hit send on that email requesting to be removed from that Spam blacklist, let’s recap what you should be doing to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
imageSo you’re developing a website, and you or your client wants this website to send an email.
Maybe it’s to visitors who sign up for your service, or maybe you have a “Send to a friend” service that allows your visitors to spread the word about your content or service.
Maybe you just want to send them a notification every time one of their friends virtually pokes them from your soon-to-be social network project (watch out for thoseWinklevoss twins).
No matter the usage, these added functionalities to your website all depend on E-mail and the assumption that these emails will get to their intended recipient.
Sadly, decades of abuse of the very E-mail services you are trying to deliver your message over by nefarious characters around the world has lead to us all being in a heightened state ofEmail DefCon Level 1. This means that at nearly every email gateway server around the world, system administrators and network engineers are working hard to make sure that Spam (or perceived Spam) doesn’t get through to their users’ mailboxes.
This means that you and your website need to be careful to not make the Uncle Sam’s of the network administration world go nuclear on your message.

A look at ways Spam filters can work

NOTE: Every different Spam filter on the planet does things a little differently (otherwise they’d have nothing to compete over), and I am not making blanket statements that this is how they all work.  More simply, these are some of the things that Spam filters look at so that, in sharing them you as a developer can be more wary of them in your next project.
In order to make it easier to understand what I am about to explain I have going to create a virtual email for us to talk about. This example email’s basic information is:
Sending Servers IP:
Subject: Welcome to
Most Spam filters work under the pretence of incoming mail being given a score based on itsrisk of being Spam. They will do a number of checks and give your message a score – if this score is above/below the configured level for flagging your message as Spam or not it will then either let your email through to the recipients mailbox or reject it (depending on the Spam filter software being used, the response may be that your mail simply gets placed in a mailbox folder for review; think of GMAILs [Spam] folder).
Lets take a look at the lifecycle and some of the checks that occur, and then take a look at ways you can make sure your message makes the cut.

Step 1 – Your Email is received

The first thing the Spam filters usually do is take note of the domain name of the email’s sender (in our example email - and the IP address of the sending server(in our example - that it was received from as well as the domain name your server sends in its HELO command at time of connection.

Step 2 – Email interrogation

Now that a number of properties of your email have been noted, the Spam filter will then run a number of checks against your email. In the case of the bad guys there a usually a whole heap of things that happen outside of the list i am about to explain; such as heuristics on the email’s body content. As we are sending normal e-mail all we should worry about are the flags that could cause a false positive to occur.
DNS Background Check
The Spam filter will probably then do a reverse DNS lookup to see if the IP address of the sending server resolves to the domain name that is used when initiating connection(The HELO message) or the domain name of the email sender (in our example
Is this the reverse DNS hostname used in the server’s connection HELO message? Is this reverse DNS hostname included in the SPF records for the sending domains DNS? (shown later in this post). Is this server even connected to
It may then look up the Forward DNS entries for the domain name of the email’s sender (again this is and look to see if the A record for that domain points to the IP address of the sending server or an IP in the same subnet block (i.e is the sending server actually the webserver that hosts the site or connected to this site in any way?).
All of these will be added to the email’s risk score. Some filters rate some checks higher than others.
Reverse DNS How-to
If you want to look up the reverse DNS entry for the your server’s IP address the simplest way is to visit a site like this one and enter your servers IP address.
Alternatively, open a command prompt (if using windows) or a terminal (if using a Unix flavour) and type the following:
The result when looking up the reverse DNS entry for Google’s DNS server
DNS SPF Record Check
Another common approach a Spam filter will take is to look up the SPF record and/or theSender ID SPF record for the domain name you have as sender in your email message (again this is
DNS SPF records define a list of servers that are allowed to send email on behalf of a domain name. They are an important way of defining servers that are not normally associated with your domain name to be recognised as being verified – if you are using a server that is shared across your webhosting ISP’s other customers, this allows you to white-list this server as being related to your website’s domain (a connection that normally might not be a clear as it should be).
The following SPF record for indicates that only one server can send on behalf of and that is the server;  TXT  "v=spf1 -all"

What does this mean for us web developers?

You may being thinking at this point:
Who cares about DNS entries and all this other bumf?
can send email as another persons email address – I've done it before!
If you are sending email from your website, then you should care – not just because your message might not get through this once, but because a lot of Spam filters keep a score for sending servers and may either report back to a blacklist if they constantly see bad mail coming from it or may just reject all mail from you in the future. When you are sending email to a huge network of email servers (such as Gmail or Hotmail), them remembering you as sending bad mail is not a good thing.
This means that by not playing by the rules, you can actually over time get your server blacklisted.
Additionally, just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it won’t happen one day.

So what can be done to try and allow our E-mails get through?

After all this information, it might not be 100% clear what you can do to make sure you E-mail gets to its intended recipients and that you don’t set off any Spam false positives in the process. The list is quite small, and simple and usually if you stick to a few simple rules you should be fine.
Lets take a look at how you can use this information to your benefit.
Never send email from a sender address on a domain you do not control
If you are building a website that sends email, try to avoid sending as another user.
This means if you are building a “send-to-a-friend” form, or a “send this user an email” functionality always try and send from an email address on your domain, not as theuser’s email address – you can add the user you are sending-on-behalf-of as the “reply-to” email address, but always send from a sender email address that lives on a domain you control.
If your websites domain name is “” make sure you send from an email address such as “” not “”
Make sure that you have your DNS ducks are in a row
If you are sending from an email address on a domain that is hosted on another server (such as using a shared SMTP server from your webhost), get your DNS in order. If you are not in control of your site’s DNS make sure that whoever is knows about the following;
  1. The ISP that hosts your server sets up a valid reverse DNS entry for your server’s external facing IP address that it points at a hostname that is a sub-domain of the domain name you wish to send as if possible. If you are using a shared SMTP server this is usually not possible as the server will be sending email for many different domain names not just yours – in this case SPF records are even more important
  2. Setup an SPF and Sender-ID SPF record for your domain name that includes the external facing IP address or hostname of your mail server. If you need some help, give the following sites a visit:
    1. SPF Record Documentation
    2. Sender ID Setup Wizard
Verify your SMTP server is configured correctly
If you control the SMTP server that is sending your mail make sure it is configured to give its reverse DNS hostname in its HELO connection greeting from its reverse DNS hostname or the domain name that you are sending from.
Also make sure that relaying is turned off – THIS IS PRETTY CRITICAL.
To check if you have this turned on, check out an open relaying tool such as the one of the following:
Verify that your SMTP server is not on any blacklists
There are hundreds of Spam blacklists, but MXToolbox has a great tool for checking your servers IP address @ If you find yourself on any of the above, double check that you have configured your server correctly and politely email the administrators of the blacklist and request to have your server’s IP address removed.


Sending E-mail from your website is not a complicated task (as your probably already know). Trying to assure that your email messages get to their recipients is not too hard as long as you stick to a couple of simple rules.
Hopefully the list above, will allow you to get back to doing what you do best – rocking the web.
I have written a follow up post on using DKIM and Domain Keys to “sign your email” when you want to take this a step further.
Check it out:
When you really need E-mail delivered – Signing your mail using DKIM.