Friday, July 27, 2012

10 businesses you can start at home

Are you fed up of working for an employer, and for a salary? Have you been toying with the idea of starting your own business? Read on to know what your options are.

1. Marketing Consultancy

2. Web-Based Business

3. Photography


4. Online Trading

5. Real Estate


6. Automotive Parts

So, are you a car enthusiast and never imagined that you could turn your passion into a business idea? Well, here it is. You can tie up with manufacturers of parts and build a client base that requires them, but does not know how to contact the makers directly.

7. Pet Care

Animal lovers need not fret, for there are various options for them to start a business from home too. You could associate with a veterinarian hospital to know what products to purchase and hire one or two young helpers who love animals too.

8. Wedding Planning

While considered a female domain, scope for men to enter the industry is enormous too. However, you need to have the knack and organisational skills required for this job. You also need to have a good relationship with caterers, interior decorators, florists, hotels and various other service providers.

9. Food Catering

Did you think that cooking was just something that a homemaker had to do? Wrong! You can make a profession out of it, too! And that too right from your own home! All it requires is acquiring the right resources, gauging the tastes of your potential clientele, and of course, being a food-lover!


Now this does not mean you mow the lawns and water the plants in the houses of other people. This implies establishing your own set-up or nursery, wherein you can not only house plants and flowers of all kinds, but also provide equipment, training and consultancy to avid garden-growers.
Starting your own business, that too from home, may not be everyone’s cup of tea. However, cautious planning can help you turn a venture into a huge success. Make sure you know what your area of interest is!

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Get an accredited degree in just 2 weeks. No books or tests. BA/BSc/MA/MSc/MBA/PhD. Instant approval application.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pria terluka di Yard

Seorang pria terluka di Yard Dewan Standish, 1697 Main Road, pada pukul 4:30 sore, Senin, ketika sebuah perahu jatuh di dadanya masih dalam kondisi kritis tetapi sedang dikembangkan, menurut Tiverton Polisi Letnan Patrick Jones. Korban, Kyle St Pierre, 25, dari Fall River, mantan Tiverton, bekerja di pekarangan perahu. Jones mengatakan ia melukis bagian bawah kapal pesiar 35-kaki yang beratnya £ 6.000 ketika dukungan yang memberi jalan dan perahu turun, menghancurkan bawah korban. Sesama pekerja datang untuk menyelamatkan korban. Seorang pria melompat ke forklift dan mengangkat perahu, sementara pria lain menarik korban gratis. Jones mengatakan St Pierre menderita patah tulang yang parah dan patah tulang dari tulang rusuk, dada dan panggul. Petugas penyelamat pindah korban ke Fort Barton Sekolah mana Penerbangan Med mendarat dan diangkut dengan kapal tongkang ke Rhode Island Hospital.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Most Amazing People With Extra Ordinary Quality

Superheroes were originally created out of thin air to inspire mankind. Thus, arrived Batman and Spiderman ! But , these are real super – heroes with real powers ! Freaky and unbelievable – Most Amazing People & also most inspirational.

Nick Vujicic

Imagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around someone, no hands to experience touch, or to hold another hand with. Or what about being born without legs? Having no ability tonick-vujicicdance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now put both of those scenarios together: no arms and no legs. What would you do? How would that effect your everyday life?
Meet Nick Vujicic… Born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic (pronounced Voy-a-chich) came into the world with neither arms nor legs.
Despite the absence of limbs, he is doing surf and swimming, and playing golf and soccer. Nick graduated from college at the age of 21 with a double major in Accounting and Financial Planning. He began his travels as a motivational speaker, focusing on the topics that today’s teenagers face.
Read more about him here

Rathakrishnan Velu – Indian King Tooth

Rathakrishnan Velu is considered to have “Golden mouth” as he is able to pull a train with his teeth. It is reported that Rathakrishnan Velu can haul a 297.1-metric-ton (327.50 U.S. tons) train over 2.8 meters (9 feet, 2.2 inches) along tracks.
Rathakrishnan Velu
On August 30, 2007, the eve of Malaysia’s 50th Independence Day, Rathakrishnan Velu (or Raja Gigi, as he is known locally) broke his own world record for pulling train with his teeth, this time with 6 coaches attached weighing 297.1 tons over a distance of 2.8 metres at the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station.

Jessica Cox

Jessica Cox became the first pilot with no arms, proving you don’t need ‘wings’ to fly.

Jessica believes that by combining creativity,persistence, and fearlessness, nothing is impossible..She is a psychology graduate can write ,use computers,brush her hair and talk on to her phone simply using her feet.She is from USA is also a former dancer and double black belt in Tai Kown-Do. Cox prove it Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Ben Underwood – The boy who could “see” with his ears

Ben Underwood was a remarkable teenager, who loved to skateboard, ride his bicycle and play football and basketball. For the most part, the Californian 14-year-old was just like other kids his age. What made Underwood remarkable was his ability to master these activities despite the fact that he was blind.
Underwood had both eyes removed after being diagnosed with retinal cancer at age two. To most people’s amazement upon meeting him, he seemed completely unfazed by his lack of sight, defying common stereotypes about blindness as a disability.
An unflinching faith in God guided Ben and his mother during his last few months as cancer spread to Ben’s brain and spine. He eventually died on January 2009 at the age of 16.

The Magnetic Man (Liew Thow Lin)

Liew Thow Lin, a 70-year-old retired contractor in Malaysia, recently made news for pulling a car twenty meters along a level surface by means of an iron chain hooked to an iron plate on his midriff. He says that he discovered he had the amazing ability to make objects stick “magnetically” to his skin, and now he’s added car-pulling to his repertoire.
In Kuala Lumpur lebt Liew Thow Lin, der Magnet-Mann. Der als "Mr. Magnet" bekannte 77-Jährige tritt regelmäßig mit seinen ungewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten auf.
After reading an article about a family in Taiwan who possessed such power, he says he took several iron objects and put them on his abdomen, and to his surprise, all the objects including an iron, stuck on his skin and didn’t fall down.